• Cancellation policy

    If you need to cancel or postpone a paid for booking, we would appreciate at least 1 weeks notice in order for a full refund, or the following cancellation fees will apply: 48 hours or less – 50% or room hire, 24 hours or less – 100% of room hire. To cancel or postpone your booking please contact us.

  • Opening times and accessibility

    We are open Monday - Friday, 9am - 5pm. Access to the building is down the stairs, and through the blue door. You do not need a code or key to enter the building. The hot desks are in the courtyard space and someone will be upstairs in the hub to help with any questions or to show you how to use the coffee machine!

  • Who runs the space?

    Crowdfunder are the lead tenants of the LSi, Bridport and Rachel, from Crowdfunder manages the inbox. We also have lots of lovely LSi members who will welcome you to the building and help with anything you need.

  • Do you have tea and coffee?!

    Yes! We have a selection of teas, milk and oat milk and locally roasted Soulshine coffee. Our kitchen facilities include a fridge, microwave and toaster. Facilities for meeting room bookings are slightly different.

  • Meeting room facilities

    You will have access to a hot drink making station in our downstairs kitchen. We will supply a kettle, milk, oat milk, instant coffee and a variety of teas for your booking. Crockery can be supplied for your booking and we kindly ask that you handle your own washing up.

  • Can I make video/phone calls?

    You can absolutely make video or phone calls at the hot desks. We ask that you wear headphones and speak at a considerate volume for other users in the space.

  • Disabled access

    We do have an external lift which unfortunately is out of order currently. We are working hard to fix this as fast as possible. There is an internal lift and disabled toilet in the building. Please note, there are steps to walk down to enter the building.

  • Can I bring my own food in?

    Please note, there is no catering service provided onsite. You are welcome to bring your own catering, food and drink into the building. Food and drink may only be consumed inside the booked space. Crockery can be supplied for your booking and we kindly ask that you handle your own washing up.

  • Charity discounts

    We offer a 50% reduced booking fee for registered charities and not-for-profits. Contact us if you are either one of these and we will send you a link to book.

  • Parking

    The LSi, Bridport does not have parking onsite. The closest car park is East Street Carpark.

Need help?

If the above hasn’t answered your question, then please get in touch.